Originally Posted by halgreen
Glad to help you out. Enjoyed the book. One of your reviews on Amazon was a three star review from someone who didn't read the book but felt compelled to comment on how much they disliked Thurston and Kim. 
Cheers Hal, genuinely appreciated. And that review you mention was at least really hilarious. I killed myself laughing when I read it...Heck, I just laughed out loud re-reading it too. :-)
In it's full glory:
"The problem with Sonic Youth LPs is that they sing on them. If they eliminated the vocals, they could have achieved 2nd level Dead C status (and that's not a bad thing). The problem with Thurston Moore has always been that nobody in The History Of Rock has ever tried so hard to adopt a "cool" persona...and for the record his ex-wife Kim Gordon trails a close second. I used to see these two all the time around NYC and it was actually painful to see them "downtown" it up. On the other hand, Lee Ranaldo would come off in Washington Market Park as just a regular dad. I'm giving this book three stars for the simple reason I did not read it. If it was difficult seeing Thurston Moore in real life, why would I want to read a book about him? Three stars seems fair."