10.28.2017, 09:32 AM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 11,818
Originally Posted by !@#$%!
lol phone warz. let’s not drive ebola’s thread off a cliff
anyway, amazon music was able to open it and play it in the correct order better than the files thing.
so i listened this morning before getting out of bed— and liked it! and i’m listening to it again while i write this.
i like the songs, they’re good. im talking about them as “tunes” not as “sung words”. i rarely “get” lyrics, so you could be singing in japanese and it would be the same to me. so my comments are not about words, except to say— the words don’t bother me (more often than not lyrics bother me when i understand them).
having said that, i think you’re generally hiding the vocals in the mix. they’re too low for me. maybe that’s the effect you want but comes across as... shy? no— you’re in front of a microphone— belt it out or turn up the faders. in parts of attic is flooding she’s barely audible. gotta pay attention to the dynamics of the mix. also sounds like your loudest sound is generally coming from the bassier part of the spectrum which might muddle things a bit.
the impression overall i get is that these songs could have been in one of those KRS compilations from the early 90s— you know the ones i’m talking about? except updated, this is not a late 80s/early 90s sound— it’s less rockist, mellower, clearly post-noise. i hear a little bit of yo la tengo / wye oak in it (ylt when you sing, wye oak when she does or maybe war paint). but what i mean by all this is that i hear a budding indie band that needs to maybe work on polishing up some details but sounds fundamentally good and can go far.
i’m sorry to disappoint your horrible fears and leave your fretting hanging out to dry, but you don’t suck. good tunes, good guitar, her voice is nice (just mixed too low) and i generally hate men singing but you actually do a decent job so i don’t hate your singing.
now get to work on your mix and you’re good to go. and please get on spotify so i can lissen to you on the regular and pay you a fraction of a penny for each replay. come on!
I think the low mix is intentional. It’s a “bedroom pop” thing. Check out some Ariel Pink (“Another Weekend” from his new album is a nice example)... this is kind of a deliberate sound. I’m not saying you’re not right; just that it may be the style they’re going for.