yo in the previous page i didn't mean to criticize the 12 step movement in the least
what i meant to criticize is the foolish assumption that the world at large is your support group
2 very different things all together
group therapies and 12 step groups and other have a series of rules and rituals and admission requirements that the tv screen or a message forum simply don't.
so this is why they can't be equated. they may appear the same to the unwary and some aspects might have percolated into popular culture, but they are not the same in the least
one is a sincere collective effort towards healing and the other is just a spectacle for greedy audiences
as for my knowledge of the 12 step movement it's actually quite limited BUT i really really really liked the bradshaw book i read about it and it was priceless for me. "bradshaw on: the family" is essential for anyone who wants to understand dysfunction. yes reads a bit cheesy because it's not "intellectual" but it's very good.