Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Barış Manço - Sakla Samani Gelir Zamani
70s Turkish rock was really quite something.
see this is what we miss you doing here more.
where do you get that?
Originally Posted by Severian
funny thing i used to love genesis as a kid and still have my phone packed with them but i never heard of these, and surpise surprise, they're not downloadable
im having a problem supplementing unstreamable music to my phone.
i think i'm gonna purchase the albums in amazon so they're downloadable where i go.
speaking of which, king crimson put up ONE album on spotify. it's good songs but sounds like a strange mutation of the group i've never heard of before.
anyway i'm listening to YES time and a word which is this strange mixture of folk and psychedelic that drinks from the stream of old english music and adds electricity to it plus lsd maybe? supposedly they drank tons but i think not so much. beer drinkers probably.
anyway, im doing monday housekeeping and i need a beer. crap! the lawn is not gonna mow itself.