Originally Posted by Severian
the Charlottesville protestors were "just as bad" as the Unite the Right folks .
This idea is gaining traction.
It needs to be combated wherever it's found.
BLM does not have a heritage of hanging people from trees. Or even burning crosses on a family's lawn.
You have a duty to mention this to any cretin who doesn't get it.
When you come across the "just the same" idea, don't be a dick about it, but explain how BLM and even Antifa cannot possibly be compared to decades of murder and oppression.
"But I saw footage of this Antifa guy punch a neo-Nazi."
"Yeah, well, I saw footage of a Nazi...well, never mind. It's too disturbing to talk about what I saw."
"What about that BLM guy who shot a cop?"
"I'm not familiar with that story. But I don't think killing cops is part of BLM's agenda, or else there would be a rash of incidences and BLM would officially be considered a terrorist organization. They aren't. Know who is? Fucking KKK."
"But the left always gives me shit for using the wrong words. Isn't that oppression?"
"You can still say whatever you want. Might get some shit, but the other side wants to deprive certain people of jobs, housing and even life. No comparison."
"Shut up hippy faggot."