Originally Posted by Severian
Tesla, you strike me as normal enough when talking about music, but in this thread you're a sub-troll. You troll shit. You have to know you've been written off long ago by everyone here. That can't be lost on you. I clicked that link because I figured, why not? It's been a while. Now I'm gonna go back to pretending your posts don't exist.
Sevvie, you're a sad troll yourself, a dupe of the elites. You seem to be under the assumption that the democrats are opposition. But you've never once offered any information that disproves anything these links say - I really would like you to disprove them, but instead you choose to exhibit some kid of raging freakishness and obsession to reply to anything I post with insults and pathetic screaming. It appears to me I TOUCH A NERVE!
You have teamed up with your little bully cabal the nazi and the nameless one to try and enforce that this is your board and no one else is allowed. Your little bully cabal is also very good at putting words into people mouths that they didn't say. This is a classic COINTELPRO disinformation tactic. How much are they paying you to be traitor?
I will continue to think for myself. You may get back to CNN now to get your instructions.
Maybe instead of calling me names you should look in the mirror at your own intellectual rigor. I find it lacking.