Originally Posted by noisereductions
Wow. Pretty opposite me. Confusion is top tier for me. Up there with Evol and Murray Street.
My least favorite is Goodbye 20th Century haha.
Well, that's really not a proper studio album either. I guess it can be considered one, but it's more of a side project in my mind. I don't consider the Whitey album a proper SY album either.
And yes we are opposite. My favorites are Sister (emotional/personal fave), Daydream Nation (which I feel is the
best all around album, even though that opinion is totally out of style), Bad Moon for previously noted reasons, and Murray Street because I think it's their most perfect latter day work. Really love Evol, ATL, Goo and Washing Machine, so those probably rotate for the #5 spot.
But my list changes every couple of years. I can't make up my damn mind. But #1 and #2 are almost always Sister and Daydream.