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Old 08.04.2017, 12:15 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
Well i support the bds movement so i thought they shouldn't have done it. My girlfriend was in Palestine a few years ago and saw an Israeli soldier murder a Palestinian kid.

I was in America in 2014-2015 and saw like 20 unarmed black people gunned down by police officers in about 6 months' time.

I'm not trying to minimize the impact of what your girlfriend saw at all... I would need to seek therapy after seeing such a thing if I didn't get myself killed for intervening. I guess I'm just saying... um... well, that kind of thing isn't limited to any one area. Surely it's far worse in Israel than it is in the U.S., but over here, government employees have gotten off for essentially executing individuals because of their skin color or religion. In that sense, such behavior is almost "sanctioned."
The current U.S. president and tanning salon slob-in-chief has publicly encouraged violence against minorities and police brutality. While many of the police officers here stand up and say "Nope, fuck you!" certainly there are some among them who believe it's OK because Orange Loaf said it was OK.

So, shit's not great here. And the U.S. is so has such a long history of loyalty to Israel that I honestly don't understand why this country is not also being targeted by BDS. America is definitely not part of the solution, and are indeed contributors to the problem.

Now, I didn't personally see any of the aforementioned executions of unarmed black citizens, but I have loved in urban areas that have been caught up in the Black Lives Matter vs. Blue Lives Matter insanity, and I've seen first-hand the degree to which police officers' trigger fingers have become twitchier in recent years when dealing with minorities, thanks to the us vs. them mentality of the whole thing.

In 2015, I lived in a mostly black neighborhood of a large metro area, and I saw a black woman get pulled over in front of my house. She was driving with her daughter, who was in a car seat in the back, and SIX POLICE CARS were on the scene in moments. She had her hands above the steering wheel, held up, and two of the cops walked toward her car. One of the others, standing beside his prowler or whatever, watching, shouted, "THERE'S SOMEONE ELSE IN THE CAR!"
and without any hesitation, the guns game out, and several more officers moved on foot toward the car. She lady was screaming, "ITS MY DAUGHTER, ITS MY DAUGHTER, PLEASE, ITS MY DAUGHTER SHES FOUR YEARS OLD!"

And I say there on the stoop in front of my house and watched as as an officer crept up beside the back driver's side door, where the little girl was strapped into her car seat, and pointed a rifle directly at this girl's head.

There was no alert out on the vehicle. There was no anonymous tip. It was just a pull over, and they brought the cavalry to deal with one woman and her 4-year-old daughter. There must have been 12 guns pointed at the pair of them for 15 minutes before they decided on what they were going to do, and the gun just hung there next to this screaming, crying girl's head the entire time.

Eventually, they trashed her car and brought out a few dogs to sniff the trunk, and screamed all kind of horrifying profanity at this woman before they let her go because she hadn't done anything wrong. Her vehicle matched a description of a stolen vehicle. But instead of just checking her license and registration, they put a fucking rifle to her daughter's head and told her to shut the fuck up. Then they went looking for drugs because, y'know, why not at that point?

Anyway... I guess I didn't need to get into all of that, but it would be nice to see a protest of that size and organization leveled at Western countries that are committing atrocities like these.

But if Roger Waters couldn't tour the U.S., what would poor old Roger Waters do for fun in the summer?

It all makes me a bit sick. There are double standards heaped on double standards here, and while the issue is very real, the celebrity angle of it is just bullshit.

Unless a united effort against all ethnically-motivated violence is going to be part of the deal, then it's a flawed and ultimately quite impotent gesture. Shaming Radiohead for not playing a show in Tel Aviv isn't going to do a goddamn thing for the Palestinian people. The fact that Thom Yorke vs. Roger Waters is what made headlines for weeks is pretty telling, as it tells me that the most trivial elements of the entire situation are being given the largest amounts of attention.

I'm sure you know more about the boycot than I do, so if I'm missing something, tell me. I'm not trying to start beef here. I'm just not convinced by the celebrity 90210 bullshit, and I have no reason believe that RADIOHEAD was the biggest story relating to Israel-Palestine, even in that very fucking WEEK.

In short, I guess it all looks a bit too much like Roger Waters masturbating on his own face for me.
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