Originally Posted by Severian
a horror show in the purest sense of the word. At least the modern incarnation is.
I definitely agree. The earlier era had horror element but really came into its own with its big epic space operas, stuff like Deadly Assassin - an area that I don't think the modern era has quite got to grips with. Maybe because 'golden age' writers like Terry Nation, Douglas Adams, etc, were more closely associated with SF than modern writers like Moffatt or Gaiman seem to be. Not better or wose, just different and shaping the series in different ways.
Originally Posted by Severian
I think Eccleston was terrible though. Just a really poor choice for the character, with poor style decisions (v-necks and a leather jacket? For the fucking Doctor?)
Haha, yeah, just wrong. Surely the central point when casting the Dr is to remember he/she/it isn't human. Ecclestone was simply too earthly: too much of an everyman.
Originally Posted by Severian
All this Who talk is making me want to watch the old episodes
I'd really recommend The Deadly Assassin as a way into that period. It's probably about as must-see as the 'golden age' gets; laying out big chunks of vital info about Timelords and The Master. Probably the defining Tom Baker story, too.
I think it's on Netflix