lolol. poor kloppo! yes, he runs out of ideas when his players wear out physically. it's like-- i'll just leave it at that.
i haven't watched bayern this weekend (though i will probably watch them vs rb leipzig the next one) but i am a bit meh about carletto's nouveau-freedom experiment. don't really understand what he's doing and i wouldn't mind a zonal marking article explaining it. which reminds me there was one article about bayern-dortmund from last december.
and the zonal marking guy has a book out apparently and has started posting again to promote the thing. or something.
i quit reading about football tactics for a while but i should probably do that again. since i'm getting organized at long last again. reading the transfer news doesn't provide the same level of satisfaction. at least not without a tactical context.
speaking of transfer news, bayern is poaching hoffenheim's best player. lol.
anyway i'm rambling ha ha ha