Originally Posted by demonrail666
Hopefully RB will make second place. I know they divide people but they're at least shaking things up.
i think they pretty much got it, unless they seriously fuck up their finish, which is unlikely.
if shaking things up is a value (let's call it increasing parity, or unpredictability, or something like that, which is good in sports) it has to be weighed against other competing values though, which are also desirable.
i mean, look at trump "shaking things up" while he demolishes truth, the rule of law, the separation of powers, and so forth

(i hate that he's in every conversation these days, but how can his cosmic unpleasantness be avoided? he's shaking up every conversation, even...)
so the issue as always is "at what price"? that's up to germans to decide. i'm sort of agnostic here, at least so far, watching from a distance, and waiting for ramifications to develop. i'm taking it as an "interesting problem", sorta