Originally Posted by noisereductions
I gotta listen to what my ears are in the mood for, lest I write off something good unfairly.
Nearly 3 hrs of Weezer tonight and I'm happy right now.
Dude you're cray-cray. I get the ears and mood thing, but I've gotta say you're sleeping bro. You are sleeping on the new Kendrick Lamar.
For what it's worth, it's WAY more immediate and full of ear candy than
TPAB. That one was hard to get into, and I love it. But
DAMN. is way different. I have had pretty much all of the songs stuck in my head for over a week. I've listened to it every single day since it came out. Wanna know the last time that happened?
TLOP. The time before that?
If you're expecting more
TPAB stuff, don't. It's fucking nothing like that. It's catchy and it will make you nod your head like crazy.