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Old 04.12.2017, 08:31 AM   #48647
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Severian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's assesSeverian kicks all y'all's asses
As much as I hate Billy Corgan (in terms of face/head punchability, he's below only Drake and Dolanld Trump, and only because he's nowhere near as visible, important, or culturally omni-present), I do hav fond memories of listening to this album with my friends in junior high. For about 18-24 months, the Smashing Pumpkins were just about as big as post-Nirvana rock got, and there was almost a sense of "mania" to their output at this time. Like, every fucking single was a hit (no number 1 singles or anything, but this was the era of alternative and radio airplay charts -- they did have a few #1's in that context -- and MTV), from "Bullet W/ Butterfly Wings" to "Thirty-three," it just felt big.

I'm also impressed by the diversity of the songs, even the hits. Bullet is a post-"teen spirit" angst-rocker, but "1979" sounded totally different, with hints of (half-baked) electronica and an iconic video. "Zero" was basically a Nine Inch Nails song, but "Tonight Tonight" felt very poignant to 14-year-olds at the time. Even low-stakes final single "Thirty-three" was touching.

So yah. I do not like the band. I do not like the members. They aped a bunch of better bands, and acted like choads, and somehow managed to milk late '80s shoegaze, grunge, glam, glam-metal, and and pop culture world's need for a generationally representative traditional pop band comprised of three or four distinct personalities. They ripped off MBV, Ride, Jane's, Nirvana, fucking Boston, NIN, the Cure, and countless others, but for a while it was good to have them around.

I feel like in '95-'96 the only bands that may have eclipsed SP were Oasis (in terms of pop) and maybe Beck in terms of alternative omnipresence. Maybe I'm not remembering correctly. I was young and dumb.
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