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Old 03.09.2017, 10:48 AM   #170
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Originally Posted by noisereductions
BTW, they gave Ready To Die a 10. Which in fairness it deserves. But I called it. Know why? Because that's what they do. They give old albums a 10. I'm sure there's more new releases, but the ONLY new album I remember getting a 10 was Yankee Hotel Foxtrot - which had been leaked for a year prior. I just find it kind of weak that these 'tastemakers' don't seem to have the balls to give out 10's (IE: "I think this album is perfect.") to anything unless it's been out for a year or more. Gives the impression that they can't really make such a bold statement without hindsight on their side.

I know I"m being overly harsh. Because in fairness we all need time to let art sink in. But they're the ones that choose to go w/ number scores (which I find arbitrary anyway).

Yeah, when was the last time they gave a 10 to a new album? Like... a truly new album... not a reissue or one of their classic reviews. Seriously, I don't remember it happening any time recently. Jesus... was it MBDTF, almost seven years ago? Can't be... and yet... I think that might have been it!

They used to be a bit more liberal with their ratings. Remember when Wilco and Trail of Drad and (I think) Interpol all got 10's in the same year? Now, that shit is reserved for paying lip service to classics. Sometimes I see a 10 on a reissue and it just pisses me off because I know they're "reviewing" the album's cultural impact or "cool factor" more than the actual music.

The whole thing is just screwed anyway. There's this unspoken rule that "good" albums are 8.0+. They doll out a LOT of 7-somethings, and they sometimes write, like, nothing but glowing praise in those 7-something reviews, but we all know when we see the score that if it's not an 8.0+ it won't be "in the club," won't be a year-end list contender, likely won't be revisited or talked about by any of the staff after that first review. LAME. So many great albums have had 7-somethings. Why? Because they don't know how to really write or think about music, and if something doesn't strike them on first listen as being "a contender," or not being "cool factor-y" enough, they throw it in the junk bin.

Originally Posted by noisereductions
To me, I always preferred 2Pac as a rapper...

BIG was better, in my opinion.
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