Originally Posted by TheDom
Currently digging into some short stories lately.. Hemingway is of course the master for me but I'm hoping you folks here could recommend a collection or Anthology for me??
poe did it first id say check him out definitely
chekhov was great tho a bit long winder per today's
oh, flannery fucking o'connor hell yeah hell yeah so good. she's just so great
BORGES, for jeeves sakes. it's all he wrote (and poems and essays). his pal bioy casares too. and his semi-disciple julio cortazar. argentina seems to have the top place in latin america when it comes to this genre. oh and roberto arlt. and their neighbor horacio quiroga. must we something in the water of the rio de la plata.
garcia marquez has some good ones too but he was better as a novelist. still, he's got a few classics.
personally i really like this mexican guy juan josé arreola. i read him too old for him to make a bigger impression unfortunately but he was very good. and another guy but hard to find--- jose revueltas ( his brother silvestre was a composer). if you can find "hegel and i"-- o man. oh and juan rulfo! hell yes.
oh, bolaño if you like him has short stories too.
jose maria arguedas has some really nice ones, sad ones if you can find him. also julio ramon ribeyro.
oh, and i really like william gibson's early short stories collected in burning chrome. guess im a fan.
and many many years ago jack vance blew my mind with his science fictions
what else hm.... ... tim obrien in the things they carried. really how he tells all by lists! genius
Duh! raymond carver of course! just saw shortcuts 2 weekends ago and spaced him. and thus drunkard john cheever. and updike
chekhov is really a master but might be a little long winded for our age. if you have the patience though...
who else...
tolstoy had some funny tales
oh, kafka of course! jeez. dat man. of course
soeaking of which people blow a lot of rockets for murakami but i dont find him original in the least. what can i say.
salinger is celebrated but he doesnt do it for me. sorry. but salinger i guess.
anotehr i cant get into is junot diaz, americas favorit his-panic. dont know, maybe some day
oh, joyce! dubliners is a lovely book. really great
okay gotta go zzzzzzz