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Old 02.12.2017, 10:40 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by demonrail666

... half and half...

Oh, oh, and also ...

Nicolas Jaar is likely to be up yr alley, if you like that "half and half" shit. He's probably my favorite non-DJ Koze artist in the world of electronic music right now. His stuff is strange, because it's kind of only "electronic" in the most broad strokes way imaginable.

Like, sure, it's got bleeps and/or bloops, but if I had to compare him to any artist, I'd point directly to Suicide, not Aphex Twin or Squarepusher or Autechre or Boards or any of the other electro-bros who birthed most of the non-EDM side of the genre as it exists today.

He sings... like, a lot. He plays instruments too. Classical training in piano, which he puts to delightfully warped use on his records. There's a distinct post-punk feel to a LOT of what he does, at least under his own name (he is also ½ of Darkside, among other things).

Listen to "Space is Only Noise If You Can See" from the album Space is Only Noise. Without question, in my opinion, one of the single best songs of this decade in any genre. So droning and post-punky that it probably fits in more with Sonic Youth, Suicide, Shellac, Slint than with anything "electronic."

He's all over the place though. In 2016, he dropped his second proper album, SIRENS. Again, it was primarily embraced by "electronic" communities, but to call the album "electronic" is not really fair. To drill down the sub-genres and assign it to one of those is even less fair, however, so I guess electronic it is. But there's a whole lot going on in the relatively short duration of the album.

Listen to"History Lesson" from SIRENS and you'll see that. It's essentially a kind of post-R&B track. Aching white boy soul, almost like something The Rolling Stones might have done when they were still a thing to be taken seriously. No guitars, but still, it's far from an "electro" track. Please listen through the end. I beg you. Top notch climax.
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