Originally Posted by TheDom
Man I am actually really bummed on Anderson lately and it's only because he really is so great. Moonrise Kingdom was pretty terrible in my eyes and while I loved Grand Budapest at first, it really doesn't hold up at all. I kind of feel like he doesn't love his characters as much as he used to. The dude is a legit filmmaker but I'm kind of over his wacky stuff and especially over him doing "homages" (I'm looking right at the museum scene in Grand Budapest). Most of those film buffs yr talking about that I know really only hate him for making Rushmore and not coming close to it ever again.
I thought Moonrise Kingdom was his worst.
Grand Budapest Hotel was like a distillation of everything he does best. It's like a snow-globe in movie form. He creates these beautiful little vignettes, and then sketches stories in around them, and they become character studies along the way. Grand Budapest restored my faith in him.
But ... I loved (fucking LOVED) Darjeeling Ltd. That scene with "Play With Fire" by the Stones? Glorious. Not many people loved that one, but I did.
And Rushmore and Royal Tenenbaums (and Bottle Rocket!) are three of my favorite movies. Even Life Aquatic is good. Not nuts about Mr. Fox, but didn't hate it either.
Anyway, all in all he's among my favorite filmmakers, not because he's the best (that's just silly) but because he has almost invented his own genre, kind of like Scorcese, or Kubrick, or even the Coens or Tarantino. Just because he makes (mostly) goofy shit doesn't make him any less of a talent. He really turned the "age of irony" on its head and distilled it into film form.
Shrug. I watch superhero movies man. I'm lowbrow.