Shit, if I wasn't adventerous in my music taste I'd still be stuck listening to the same old Sonic Youth, Nirvana, Dinosaur Jr, Radiohead, Pavement, MBV etc albums every day.
Tribe is alternative hip-hop. Kanye and maybe Frank are the only "mainstream" artists in my list but even they made some weird and polarizing records.
Those who frequent the hip hop thread will be able to testify on how it took me 8 months to come around to the Kanye album, one that initially sounded to me like everything I hate about music, but ended up making me cry.
I think of myself as a very open minded guy, and out of sheer curiousity I actually streamed some tracks off a few albums d.sound listed, before he even made that post. Not my cup of tea but I can respect his knowledge and passion.
I listen to a whole fucking lot of R&B, funk and soul music, so writing it all off as "mainstream hip hop" is silly and makes no sense. By the way I could've listed maybe 50 albums, I just decided to pick the ones that matter to me the most.
I really appreciate criticism, but d.sound's just came off as lazy.