10.14.2016, 02:03 AM
expwy. to yr skull
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 2,019
Originally Posted by Lee is Free
HERE's dates for November EL Rayo band tour. New band, new tunes, should be fun! I'm really proud of this new set of songs, please come check us out. If you've seen me solo in the past year or saw our trio in June you've heard some of the songs. We'll be playing all the songs from the new album to hit early next year (I hope), ELECTRIC TRIM, more info coming soon on that.
Tour Band:
Raul Refree Fernandez (produced new album) - electric & acoustic gtrs, kybd, electronics, vx
Cayo Bellveser Machancoses - el bajo, vx
Chloe Saavedra (Smoosh, Chaos Chaos) - dr, electronics, vx
Lee Ranaldo - acoustic & electric gtrs, vx

Thanx Lee for the info! Really wait your album to come, your gig in Finland was just so great!