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Old 10.12.2016, 06:25 PM   #1147
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Originally Posted by evollove
Did you hear?

Yesterday, Trump told supporters at a rally to make sure to vote on November 28. For real.

Like an asshole, I actually gave him the benefit of the doubt. "Maybe it was windy and it just sounded like 28" or something. There's video. Nope. Pure idiocy, clear as a bell.

Yeah, woke up to that news this morning. And I say, hey, Trumpers and Trumpets, you heard the man! Do what he said for the love of all that is holy!

I have to say, though... I'm not in a good place with any of this. I tried to really stay out of it for the longest time, and to take every article I read with a grain of salt. I refused to panic, assuming, naturally, that it would never go this far. But now I'm sweating bullets. I have FiveThirtyEight's electoral college forecast projections saved on the home screen of my phone, and I'm following them on all the social media sites. So I scroll through a handful of key states every half hour or so, and the amount of blue I see is never enough to quell my anxiety.

There isn't enough blue in the world to do that.

Not when I get Facebook alerts all day from idiots in my lie, praising Trump, with like 150 likes, and a comment section full of shameful hyperbole about what a cunt Hillary is. Jesus Fucking Christ man.

I was thinking yesterday... if my boss found out that I'd bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, she'd fucking fire me on the spot. I'm nothing special, but it would be hard to replace me at this point... and that wouldn't matter. She'd probably tear up my contract and tell me to lawyer up, with the full backing of everyone in the company.

Imagine what would happen if you were applying for a job at the post office and you said that publicly? Would you get hired? Fucking hell no you wouldn't. An indispensable pediatric brain surgeon might be able to get away with that. But not anyone I know. I'll bet you'd have a hard time getting a job at fucking McDonald's with something like that hanging over your head.

WHY THE FUCK IS ANYONE STILL RED? The man's being indicted on a child rape charge for fuck's sake!!! CHILD. RAPE.

And there are millions and millions of people out there who somehow think he's the man who needs to be the leader of the free world, despite all this, and his complete and utter lack of experience.

Uhhh a-DUHHHH!!! What the fuck?! Is the fucking world on Fucking THORAZINE?! What the goddamn hell?! Bill Clinton was told he didn't have enough experience to be president and he was a two-term Governor! People laugh (if they aren't idiots) or throw tantrums (if they are idiots) about Kanye West's ludicrous comments about a white House bid.... BUT WHATS THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE? How can the people who support DONALD TRUMP be insulted by the idea of Kanye West running for office? Why the hell not?! WHICH IS IT?! I don't understand!!!

I feel like every scandal that promises to be his Achilles heel is going to just fade away. I feel like anything could happen. I feel like the blue on those maps is a trick. I don't trust our intelligence enough to be comforted by it.

And even if he loses, he's made hatred okay again. Militias will pop up. Hillary will get shot or something awful will happen. This wretched place is infected by him now. And I can't see how the coming months and years are going to unfold without this leading to one massive disaster or another.
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