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Old 09.30.2016, 10:49 AM   #988
Rob Instigator
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Manichaesim is a load of shit that influenced the development in early Christianity of a dichotomy where god vs satan was the everything. Manichean ideals posited a constant struggle between Light and Darkness, and that HUmanity was tasked with spreading Light to help combat the darkness.

Early church leaders took ideass from this religion when they started to believe that god was omniscient and shit, which brought about the idea that if god was all powerful and all knowing then he created all the evil in the world as well (fucking asshole toying with us). which is the end rewsult of absolutism.
because of this the Manichean ideas were transposed onto a very minor mythological figure and the idea of SATAN the GREAT ADVERSARY (an old Manichean name for the Darkness that Light fights against) who seems to be on eqwual footing with YHVH fighting for the souls of all humans.


Also, Manichean worship deemed the entirety of physical existence as evil and degraded, a trap for our souls which seek to escape this corporeal life of evil and unite with the noncorporeal good of the Light Deity.,

Bullshit upon bullshit

What is needed is a complete and total rejection of all religion (which is what Jesus the Christ was actually advocating and why the Hebrew leaders had the Romans kill him) , which is also what the OG Buddha was preaching, but no one makes money off of personal spirituality, so organized religions of any and all kind will continue to fuck us humans in the ass and make us bleed money to pour down their corrupt con-artist throats......

fuck all that shit.
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