do y'all really understand just what the contemporary state of the white mind is? because let me tell you i've seen it and it's ugly. the white geronotocracy has been living in a gluttonous orgy of consumerism and psychotic narcissism and it just cannot understand why it can't murder the rest of the world into it's image and why it got so old, is now so poor, and sees so many foreign people on the streets. it doesnt understand what is going on with all these wars it keeps starting and losing and all this technology which is obsolsecing it. it is very scared and very angry and it is developing a new cruel psychology based on sneering and economic and social self sabotage. the far right is taking over in europe and maybe the US. i meet these people everyday and let me tell you, the majority of women and minorities and non racists are completely UNDERESTIMATING the sheer maliciousness of the white mind. it was never this bad before.
white people know they are declining demographically and they won't face the shame of having eaten their childrens nest eggs. they know that isis is offering young 3rd worlders a life in a marauding rape gang while they are offering their young life as a prostituting junkie living in tents or cupboards working precarious service sector shit to fund the pensions of retirees. they know the game isn't going to hold and they are in love with the sick joy of tearing it all down to inflict suffering on others.
there has never been a stronger surge of anti liberalism among white people than 2016.
white people built a system so complex it is now beyond their control and the feelings of dominance and omnipotence that the heterosexual libidinal economy exists to foster are slipping away from them.
the reason for this far right surge is that the liberal white left cannot really offer anything other than anti racism which is not enough to defeat isis, and it can't confront them face on and wants to flagellate itself to get rid of the problem. the robots are doing all the killing but the technosphere is relying on decaying white brains to run it and many of these stupid brains would destroy it if they could.
white people are exactly angry and stupid enough to vote trump, they voted brexit, the british would vote to round up immigrants and confiscate their property if they could.
my point is that you shouldn't underestimate the viciousness and suicidal ideation of white people because the cognitive dissonance is becoming too much for them to bear.
putin is their hero and its obvious trump and his goons want to imitate him - by murdering their enemies. this is what they say on their boards and amongst themselves. they are planning on murdering liberals - that's not even censored that's publically stated over and over again on their boards and blogs. they want everything to collapse so they can murder people. they cant win capitalism but they can murder YOU. that's where we are now.