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Old 07.18.2016, 07:01 PM   #4345
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Stephen King does suck pretty goddamn bad. There were elements of Green Mile that I liked. Same with the Shining (probably his best from a literary perspective), but goddammit... Have any of you guys ever read fucking Christine? What the fuck! It's like a Goosebumps book! It's bloody absurd! I laughed with my whole fucking body when I read that shit. Every little piece of dialogue was utterly contrived, flat, utilitarian. NO thought went into those characters, which ASTOUNDS me since one of them is a fucking CAR.

Seriously, how can you write 500 pages about an evil talking car without doing some serious brainstorming about, you know, what the fuck an evil fucking car might say?

I liked the Gunslinger, book one of the Dark Tower abomination. I liked the iconic good/evil imagery, the mescaline trip, the man in black... But books 2 and 3 were so Fucking terrible that I gave up.

Seriously, man. SFAD's on point with this one. Stephen King is the most basic voice in horror.

Neil Gaiman does Stephen King a million times better than King ever has.
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