Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the jinx theory was originally included there but whatever
see here is the main problem:
under your proposal, 1 country has a chance to get drunk 1 time
but under the currenty system, 24 countries have the chance to get nationally drunk up to 7 times in 1 month
this is why people are killing each other here in 'merica. not enough parties.
considering one half of all homicides on US involve alcohol i think Americans don't need any more opportunities for debauchery.
look, you nitpicking. i didn't make any predictions. i know you can read. i said i don't know enough about any of the teams. i did say i wouldn't be surprised if Portugal won and they did. that wasn't a prediction.
im not saying h8kurdt has any crow to eat specifically from me, after all i didn't make any predictions, but be did, he predicted france would win, france didn't win. crow must be had to eat