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Old 05.11.2016, 09:01 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by _slavo_
Not necessarily. "In Rainbows", for example, was a masterpiece, a true display of how to blend various Radiohead elements (guitar driven music, Thom's whining, electronics, songwriting) into one highly functional product. TKOL totally blew and the new one is not bad, it actually works, it's just bland and boring. It's the first Radiohead record ever where I have trouble distinguishing one song from another, which is, frankly, a very bad sign for a band that put out records as caleidoscopic as, say, "Kid A".
Grandpa music.

Let's not go crazy with the grandpa music thing. What fucking grandpa would listen to Ful Stop? My father — who's certainly old enough to be a grandfather — told me he'd listened to the new Radiohead song, "if it can even be called a song," in reference to Burn the Witch. So, y'know... I think you're giving grandpas too much credit in general. This is not much for dudes who were born in the '40s and '50s.

Also I think you're giving In Rainbows too much credit. I love the album, but it was the first Radiohead release to lack at least one flagship WTF song. Good album, but coming after HTTT, which had some of the band's most intense moments, it sounded pretty tame and safe on the whole. Where is the Idiotueqe/I Might Be Wrong/Myxo-like standout on that record? Nowhere. If Radiohead's making "grandpa" music, In Rainbows was their first foray into that genre.

But I think you're being dismissive and unfair. It's not like this is a Songs of Innocence-type adult contempor-fuck-around. Also, you said it was shit, then you said it was crap, then you said it worked, then you said it was bland and boring, and you're not bothering to mention how and why, so it's pretty hard to take you seriously. Sounds like you're just being a contrarian.
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