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Old 03.17.2016, 01:57 PM   #19182
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Tarantino is one of my peoples!!!

I love most of his movies, and even the ones I do not like story-wise (Django, Kill Bill Pt.2 ) were beautiful to look at.

I remember watching Reservoir Dogs for the first time, and True Romance (which would have been much better if he had directed it) and going, jesus christ here is a guy making movies I wanna see!

my list of the official tarantino movies in order of preference

Reservoir Dogs
Jackie Brown
Pulp Fiction
Inglorious Bastards
Hateful Eight
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Kill Bill Vol.2
Django Unchained
DEath Proof

The only two I hated were the last two on the list, and I am not a big fan of KIll Bill Vol 2. I found it boring and slow.

Rob yr crazy Resevoir Dogs is total shit and further i found it racist.. I'm not sure Tarrantino understands the nuance between "nigger" and "nigga" and so takes way too many liberties..p

Pulp Fiction is clearly his true masterpiece. It is as perfect as a film can be, at every levelevrlm i can't find a single flaw..

Jackie Brown is close, and i sometimes think to rank it above Pulp Fiction but then i remember everything about Pulp Fiction..

Kill Bill 1 and 2 are definitely third, Inglorius is good.. but no Kill Bill by any definition.

Then Inglorious Bastards which i enjoy but has its flaws too..

DeathProof as fourth because its good but not as complete.

I heard i would adore Hateful Eight but i haven't seen it.

And yeah, i found zero interest in django so id have to rank it last since i didn't even bother to see it
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