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Old 10.14.2015, 07:06 AM   #4165
expwy. to yr skull
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Bertrand kicks all y'all's assesBertrand kicks all y'all's assesBertrand kicks all y'all's assesBertrand kicks all y'all's assesBertrand kicks all y'all's assesBertrand kicks all y'all's assesBertrand kicks all y'all's assesBertrand kicks all y'all's assesBertrand kicks all y'all's assesBertrand kicks all y'all's assesBertrand kicks all y'all's asses
Currently reading Rêves de gloire, by Roland C. Wagner (Dreams of Glory, Glory being the name of a drug here).
The story takes place in Algeria, nowadays. Except that Charles de Gaulle died in an assassination attempt he escaped in real life. Thus many things would not fit in our world.
The main character is a record collector looking for a rare item of Algerian psychodelic (that's how it is spelled, so it ain't something one might have heard here). There's another story about drugs and Timothy Leary.
Ideal when you commute by train every day.

And there's the accidental track that does exist here and there such as that ( Girls were made to make love), and fictitious labels such as Ubik (the label in the book is fictitious, the reference numbers starting with PKD).
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