Thread: montage of heck
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Old 06.09.2015, 08:22 PM   #77
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bunnyboyz kicks all y'all's assesbunnyboyz kicks all y'all's assesbunnyboyz kicks all y'all's assesbunnyboyz kicks all y'all's assesbunnyboyz kicks all y'all's assesbunnyboyz kicks all y'all's assesbunnyboyz kicks all y'all's assesbunnyboyz kicks all y'all's assesbunnyboyz kicks all y'all's assesbunnyboyz kicks all y'all's assesbunnyboyz kicks all y'all's asses
I just watched this last night. I found the footage with Francis to be very disturbing. Its cute at first until you realize Kurt and Courtney are on heroin while there playing with her. Then it gets really sad and made me very angry at them. FRANCIS DESERVES BETTER. I thought Kurdt was smarter than that. But hes not, hes a goddamn idiot. He was no genius. Courtney is lying as usual about not cheating on him. Courtney made a Junkies promise with Kurdt when he was still alive to keep their secret a secret and to never tell anyone. We will never know the truth because Courtney promised Kurdt she would never tell. She will take Kurdts secrets to the grave and never tell anyone. The secret truth about Kurt Cobain he didnt want his fans to know is that the "Real Kurdt" is more like the Courtney Love everybody HATES and nothing like the Kurt Cobain his fans "LOVE". If every Nirvana fan knew who the "real Kurdt" was they would hate him as much as they hate Courtney. If Kim Gordon knew the real kurdt was more like the Courtney Love she hates she wouldnt want to know him or be protective of him. Kurt was living a double life and the truth was he was just like Courtney and the "Kurt" he played to fans never really existed. The Kurt he pretended to be to Sonic Youth was never the real kurt. Courtney is the only person who knew the real kurt. People ask what did Kurt see in Courtney? And my answer to that is ? HIMSELF !!!! Kurt saw HIMSELF in Courtney in a way no one else did. They were an IDENTICAL MATCH. The media tried to play it off like Opposites Attract. That was total bullshit. They were just like each other. Kurt was just as horrible, selfish, greedy, shallow, superficial, arrogant, and self loathing as Courtney was but he never gets blamed for it because hes so SUCCESSFUL !!! It sickens me how everyone turned a blind eye to his behavior because of his success. Courtney always takes the blame when Kurt was just as irresponsible and shitty as she was. Courtney played the villain so he could live a double life. She went along with the "myth" to cover up his double life of being just as horrible as her. This documentary disposes the "myths" and shows how horrible kurt really was. Kurt is really Courtney on a drug binge u dont want to deal with. There goes the fucking myths out the fucking window. Kim Gordon's book perpetuates Kurts myth as being a patron saint and Courtney the villain. The truth is Kim never really knew the real kurt and the real kurt was worse than Courtney. Only Courtney saw the real kurt we will never see. Courtney is the only person he could be himself around and not Kim Gordon. Kim Gordon fell for the myth just like every Nirvana fan in the world. I find her depiction of Kurt to be too similar to the myth he really wasnt.
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