Originally Posted by guest
oh yeah shit belong, they were a good one. also the cleveland scene so bee mask and everyone else on that axis.
ben frost & fuck buttons are in a completely different lineage, more along the lines of 'populist noise' for lack of a better term, employing accessible signifiers like melody/rhythm to very conventional means. while all those other groups you've listed definitely conform to what we're talking about here those two are completely different; their music is high fidelity, free from the murk which defined everything else we're talking about and similarly lacking in any identifiable esotericism. also their music has been released on very prominent record labels and as such no DIY element. also ben frost is australian and also ben frost is a fucking cunt. his music's shit as well.  tried to be nice but couldn't hold it together, sincerely sorry but I hate ben frost so much.
and as much as pan sonic employ noise as a compositional tool they were also operating within a completely different context, more readily aligning with the european avant-garde electronic styles (for example mego, touch, type, raster-noton), musics which skewed towards a more sterile, academic place as opposed to the proclivity of 21st century noise artists (particularly in the US) to engage in completely uninhibited improvisation which owes more to DIY rock and kosmische than GRM or modernist comp.
Yeah I get what you're saying. Fuck Buttons especially are more of a post-industrial noise-ROCK band, with fully formed songs and very little improvisation. Too much control and deliberation to be true noise. But Ben Frost really isn't so big on melody. It's the maximalist approach to music making that sets him apart from the group's we're talking about, making him more of a composer.
And yeah both artists are extremely hi-fi, and that's pretty much all that needs o be said.
My apologies. I knew it was a stretch to bring those artists into the discussion but despite what anybody else might think, I fucking love the shot out of both of them. In fact A U R O R A was my #2 album of 2014. But if they don't fit they don't fit.