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Old 05.20.2015, 12:58 PM   #46621
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Originally Posted by evollove
Severin, you should start a blog. Or become a critic. This might seem like an insult, and maybe it is, but really, you have the knack for this stuff.

Like how you said KNXWLEDGE - Hud Dreems was "must hear." That's a perfect example. It is, of course, no such thing. The truth is you found this record to be good and you think other people who enjoy this sort of thing will enjoy the record as well. That's all. Literally billions of people will lead full productive lives without hearing a second of this.

People get paid to make absurd pronouncements like this, so why not join them?

Hah. Well, to be honest that's one of the things that perennially frustrates me about myself, to be honest. I know I sound like a critic, and I'm keenly aware of how disingenuous that kind of writing sounds; how uniquely worthless it is to devote entire sections of websites and publications to one person's opinion. Now, biographies? Thad a different story. Writing features about the musicians themselves? That's more interesting and challenging by far.

And the truth is that I have done some review writing in the past, and I have done some blogging, but I think I just get really excited about music, and love to talk about it. However, not only is it next to impossible to make a career out of writing in this day and age, it's also a great way to lose your love of music. Record store owners tend to have similar experiences. They get into something because they love it, but as it inevitably becomes commerce, a paycheck (small one at that) and nothing more, you might as well own a sandwich shop or a shoe store.

Same goes for writing. I would certainly take a paid music writing gig if it was offered to me, but only because it would be infinitely less morally abhorrent than some of the business admin. and HR work I've done. And it would be an easy, if embarrassing, way to supplement my income if I ever give graduate school another try. But I wish I didn't sound so goddam much like a critic. As far as sub-disciplines of journalism go, what could possibly be less useful? I'd rather write about sports. At least there's an objective story to be told, and quantitative evidence that the story you're telling is true.

So, what this all boils down to is that I care about music and writing too much to chase a career in such a loathsome field, but because all fields are loathsome in their own ways, I'd do it temporarily over doing most other things.

Re: KNXWLEDGE - Of course Hud Dreems isn't a universal "must hear" (I hated writing those words, btw); but I do most of my posting in the hip hop café, so I guess I've grown accustomed to that audience. I genuinely do believe that it's an exceptionally good album, and that it's worth a listen for any fans of hip-hop, beat, jazz & funk, etc. looking for something new in 2015.
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