Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Like i said, i don't not like unwound.
Well... like
I said: all that stuff up there!
Sorry I guess I misread that, and thought you said you did not like Unwound. Which would be fine, of course, but also completely baffling.
Either way, "I don't not like [X]" is a pretty noncommittal statement. It pretty much doesn't mean anything. You don't "not like" them... so, that's cool, always good to preamble an opinion with some bipartisan padding. But I didn't ask how you
didn't feel about them.
I am much more interested in how you do feel about them, what you've heard and when you heard it, and how familiar you are with their music.
I don't "not like" astronaut zero-gravity acclimation training. I mean, I have never been through it, and know so little about it that I don't even know if I called it the right thing, but I can't in good conscience go around saying I think it's a load of bullshit can I? So yeah... I don't not like it.

I'm not trying to bust your balls. I just want to talk music.