05.08.2015, 05:29 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: mars attacks
Posts: 42,683
I eat for many, many years almost every week once the favorite food of Adolf Hitler, egg dumplings with green salad, because this highly political meal - the "DÖW" would likely locate its origin in the kitchen of the Fuhrer's headquarters - is also one of my favorite foods. If my memory serves me right, then I ate this year even on Hitler's birthday, April 20, egg dumplings with green salad.
From the reports and comments of the independent (from the truth) press, (which have the currently the Regional Criminal Court of Vienna treated of Stalinist show trial of several young mothers all have thereby brought its Nazi sentiments expressed that they are mothers, that is, that your have held children and not aborted) - watched like a hawk, I know that every memory of Adolf Hitler endangers our democracy.
To my relief, I can state that I have learned recently that egg dumplings with green salad was the favorite food of Hitler. So far I had believed it would have been of cereal with cinnamon and sugar. (Ugh Teibl).
My despicable undemocratic attitude and my moral depravity manifested not least in the fact that I will not think so in the future, to refrain from egg dumplings with green salad! So I am a repeat offender!
looks like this is from a Tv show or something (not sure really) but i had no idea of this