Originally Posted by rebeccagotcursedout
wasn't trying to be original, but i do have an opinion so that's original. I honestly can't stand Pink Floyd. we can debate all day but NOTHING is going to change my mind. I've already wasted my time going through their albums trying to find something that clicks. there is that cool little keyboard solo in "Any Colour You Like", and of course the beautiful "Wish you were Here"... but the rest...desolate. boring. lethargic. infinitely boring.
im clearly a failed comedian.
now, CAN's Tago Mago. now that's a psych album!! it takes me places beyond dark side of the boring moon.
ok. Live at Pompeii is enjoyable.  and fuck johnny rotten!! doesn't he like Can too?
Have you tried first Floyd-albums? Itīs not that I care do you hate or like them, but the first albums are really much different than the material after Obscured by the Clouds. I am a big fan, I aven like that new one. My favourite album is Atom Heart Mother.