Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
Have you done that?
i ve been doing quite the opposite.
but the way i see things, for what they are that is, the truth coming out of my mouth wont help me get a job. i think. so the other job i applied recently - which is my field's dream job actully and i have been interviewed there before in a previous competition, and spoke too much the truth and i fucked it up, i would be in like 10 persons only got in and i didnt because of that interview, but on purpose that time, thought that i might have to lie if they call me there. or you know, just dont speak my mind that much.
i ve always said to people be yourself etc in interviews, but now if i be myself, i would say stuff no employer would like to hear.
and as things are nowadays, we dont have a choice. we cant choose between jobs. we get what ever is given to us and we lick the dirt of the nails of the ones who offers us the job.
so do you want that job?
is it smth you might like. of course dont lie.. if its smth you want, you dont have to lie. show more interest perhaps and be enough prepared that would help too.
and i wish you all the best with that!