Moving "units" was always a big music industry scam anyway, it made them money while fooling artists into thinking they were making something. It was a way to cut more profit away from the artists under the guise of volume. Now that music is more pervasive and available "pushing units" is simply less relevant. You're right about spotify or pandora, the "industry" is cleverly trying to push audiences towards "legit" streaming sites where THEY still collect the revenue trying to replace what they loss from loss of radio and the damage napster started. Tv doesnt even play music anymore and radio is slowwly dying. The industry needed a new medium to fleece bands so they started selling licenses to stream, even taking over YouTube.. smart bands realize the money is where it always was, touring. Shit its why the big bands dont care about moving units either, they can make $500,000,000 on one tour..
Today Rap music is the Lakers