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Old 11.23.2014, 02:20 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by whorefrost
I've been quite enjoying Syro, obviously not on the same level as his 90s output but still some really good tracks.

On a related note, does anyone else think that Selected Ambient Works Vol II is one of the best albums ever released by anyone ever?

Yay... here... me... I do. SAW2 is a revelation. I definitely believe it's one of the best albums of the '90s and beyond. But I also feel that way about the first volume, even though it's a different animal entirely.

Honestly, there's nothing in the Aphex canon that I don't like, and each one of the proper albums is, as you put it, one of the best released by anyone ever.


Syro reminds me a lot of the Richard D. James Album. It's very melodic and consistently tuneful. Despite its evil smile cover, RDJ sounded like the work of someone who was truly enjoying making music, and the songs reflect that. Syro has a similar feel, and I think that's appropriate.
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