Originally Posted by gmku
JUST LOOKING by John Updike
STAINED GLASS by William F. Buckley, Jr.
Took the summer to slowly read Updike's SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS. Fascinating read.
so.... lemme tell you about what i've been reading
I think I liked it. It was just a bummer that my professor told me something I didnt want to know about the book after i've read parts 1-3. Kinda made it hard to read the last part of the book.
reminded me of the bell jar, a little bit at least.

only bought it cause everyone was posting it on instagram. when it arrived I was scared I would never read it/never finish it cause it's HUGE. once I started reading I couldn't put it down though. lots of interesting pieces by women and what clothes mean to them, how clothes make them feel, etc.
kim gordon is in it as well!
now I am gonna start with this bby for university
and for PLEASURE I can't decide.. I am in the mood for some lorrie moore but I don't have anything by her at home that I haven't read but so many other unread books...