Originally Posted by Severian
You're a deadhead? I didn't know that. I knew you were a "card carrying Rastafari" and an OG gangsta rap fiend, but I didnt think anyone on SYG was very into the Dead.
I wouldn't call myself a deadhead per se, but I have a 120 cd wallet of shows (most of them just CD-R's, few true boots) and their studio albums.
Cool. This is a good thing. 
I dabble. Somewhere a long way back I did a longish post comparing and contrasting
Dark Star and
The Diamond Sea, and fantasizing about a
Star/Sea supermix ala
Greyfolded. I tend to concentrate on late 60's through early 70's and have only just recently aquired a taste for other Dead eras. I was excited to see that Martin Scorsese is exec producing a Dead rock doc:
I can be of no help with your tasteful auto-ya-ya quest.