Originally Posted by noisereductions
tbh he never really stood out to me. He was just kind of there. Good, dependable, but never had me like "oh can't wait for an album."
But THIS. Damn. It's so solid. So focused. Love it.
Unrelated, what's this I hear about another Rick Ross album coming?
Also also, new Game album isn't up on Spotify yet. WTF.
Wait, the new Game is out? Is that what I'm hearing? Spotify usually only shows the released tracks from an album (much like iTunes) before the album is released as a whole... And like iTunes, it's “subject to change.”
Every once in a while they slip up and somehow get an album up before its release. Happened more in the early stages of the program than it does now. I think Breakup Song by Deerhoof and WIXIW by Liars were the last ones I remember.
Either way, I've obviously not been paying enough attentipn to Game news. I didn't even realize it was about to drop. Stoked!