Originally Posted by Severian
Here's my thing: why do they still give a fuck about marketing and making money, etc? Even with the universally low opinion of their last several albums, those assholes are rich as fuck, and they never won't be. They don't need to do shit like this.
you're answering your own question here, that they dont need to do it cuz they wipe the jizz off supermodel's backs with $1000 bills is precisely why they still put out records and tour. It isnt about the money anymore, they have enough already to do whatever they feel like doing..
The difference: Jay Z is Jay Z. U2 is ... I don't even know. They could have/ should have ended their career so many times. Why they're determined to "fade away" is beyond me.
dude your bias is showing. Really, who the fuck is jay z? Just another artist 15 years past his prime releasing records to appeal to growing expendable incomes of former teenagers who have become the nostalgia market. In all actuality id wager that globally U2 are still bigger and their discography more relevant than JayZ sans Beyonce

jay z hasnt made a culturally impacting record in over a decade, probably about the same sized gap as since U2 last released one! So meh to JayZ over U2, im not a fan of either, and bono vs jayZ are in a dead heat tie for biggest self aggrandizing douche bag's of the 21st century!