Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
So we're all 1990s dinosaurs I see
I swear I'm going to get into the 21st century inevitably, but probably not likely
Well I may be a dinosaur in many ways... (Example: Sonic youth will never not be my favorite band. But if they were replaced by anyone, it would be someone like Unwound, who, should they reunite and give me the chance to see them a few more times, might edge out Sonic Youth if
they were to reunite and make several terrible albums. Odds are quite against that all around, though, so it's safe to assume that a band from the second wave of NYC early 80's post- punk will forever trump all technological advances and genre cross pollinations in music. That's the definition of dinosauric. Or, the second definition, after those extinct reptile dudes)
But I'm finding that I'm learning to assimilate quite well into modern hip hop. Every year there are news records by new artists that just blow me away. Fucking IntoXXXicated by Soaceghostpurrp? Insanely awesome , and about as modern as it gets.
Of course all if us grew up in the late '80s and early/mid '90s will have a base for our Wu-Tangs, 2pacs, Biggies and Tribes called Quest... But it doesn't mean we need to be to be trapped by our allegiances.
This year has been one hell of a year for new hip hip. It's been less strong in major releases than 2013, but the mixtape and underground scene is kicking out some real scene-stealers, and I am fully on board.
Blah... I think I accidentally took a few too many of my pain medications tonight. Hah! What were we on about again?