08.17.2014, 04:33 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Del Boca Vista
Posts: 18,370
Pauline Oliveros, Motion, Memories and Mermaids, Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium 2014, Toronto, Wychwood Theater, August 16, 2014
John Cale - 1995-07-19 Stephen Talkhouse, Amagansett, NY [Sony WM-D3 Master]
LOU REED 1984-12-09 San Sebastian audience recording
DION [solo] - World Cafe Live, Philadelphia, PA USA 2006-01-13 [FM]
Richard Thompson 2014-07-24 WOMAD, Charlton Park, UK
Gun Club Parochiaal Centrum, Kortrijk-Bissegem, Belgium 30th of April 1993 Reseed?
You either die a punk or you live long enough to see yourself become classic rock.