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Old 08.14.2014, 06:25 PM   #5455
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Originally Posted by demonrail666

Yeah massively into it. But I like most sports really. I've never really worked out why. It contradicts a lot of my own personality. I'm not a competitive person at all and find things like blind loyalty impossible. But I honestly think that in terms of pure drama, it's up there with anything anywhere..

I watch and follow multiple sports for this exact reason, the drama, the narrative, the developments, the surprises, and above all else the conversation with other people about it. I've engaged in more random conversations with random people on the street, or at work, or at the store since I rekindled my youthful following of sports a few years ago than any other time in my life!

Sport is a great conversation starter for sure, though I'm more diplomatic than most, I like to keep up with other teams that I don't even necessarily like in order to be able to talk with their fans about it, and I avoid all trash talk or strong opinions until I know the teams of the people I'm talking too..

Some people get into sports to be divisive and argue with people, I'm the complete opposite. Shit, I don't even get to wear a Baltimore Ravens' or Miami Heat cap here in LA because it could do more harm than good, and cause more arguments than conversations.. It did suck not being able to celebrate our 2013 Superbowl win because it seemed like THE ENTIRE CITY OF LOS ANGELES was going for the San Francisco FortyWhiners and it wasn't worth starting beef with people who were all butthurt about their loss..
Today Rap music is the Lakers
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