A shitload of people have their panties in a bunch over this.. Blah blah everybody feels sorry for Israel meanwhile Palestine has been living under a Medieval siege for a decade now...
Yeah Hamas are scumbags we get it, but when ever Zionist says, "Criticizing the politics of Zionism is racism or anti-Semitism" that is the kind of truth-dodging, scapegoating, and political dishonesty which has turned a real life debate into nothing but a high-school lunchroom quarrel. Everybody is simply IGNORING the facts and carrying on in their smug opinions, meanwhile people are dying, and have been for every single day in Palestine since 1948. Hey Israel, chill the fuck out! Hey Hamas, chill the fuck out. Hey everybody, CHILL THE FUCK OUT. Until we all get cool and calm we can never have the kind of mature, substantive dialogue which can actually resolve differences. This conflict reflects not just divisions between Israelis and Palestinians, but people divided over this issue around the globe. Division is the problem. We need to work this out, whether we internationally, or they in the region directly. Israel and Palestine are neighbors by geography, and all the political bickering or open hostility can't negate the realities of geographic proximity. So somebody there needs to finally be the grown up in the room and point this reality out to all the kids knocking each other around.
My two cents..
Today Rap music is the Lakers