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Old 07.16.2014, 12:45 PM   #5374
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
Funniest moment had to be seeing Suarez sitting on the pitch holding his teeth.


And while it'll mean nothing to anyone outside Britain, this was my fave bit of punditry

Chiles is such a douche. A classic line from Mark Lawrenson during the Germany/Argentina game

"Let's hope it isn't a German run away"
Mark-"Yeah or a German take-away"

As soon as he said that me a coupla friends who were watching the game jsut turned to each other looking confused as hell.

Higuain put this up on his facebook. Translation below.


Miren esta imagen, es la tristeza en persona. Un chico que creció en el silencio de nuestra sociedad, el cual nuestro país le dio la espalda a la hora de llevar su tratamiento, un chico que desde los 11 años se sometió a miles de inyecciones para poder crecer y poder triunfar con nuestros colores diciéndole que NO a España, país donde lo respetan como se merece y con el que ya hubiese alcanzado la gloria en el 2010. Y todavía lo ponen en duda? Les puedo asegurar que ninguno de los que vimos el partido por tv o en la cancha esta sufriendo ni siquiera 1/4 de lo que lo sufre él. Él sufre mas que nadie el no poder haber traido la copa, él sufre mas que nadie su disparo que salio rosando el poste izquierdo de Neuer, pero también les puedo asegurar que él no fue tan feliz como los miles de argentinos que gritamos su goles decisivos en la primera ronda para poder claisificar, por que? Porque mientras el jugaba, estaba con la presión de saber que el partido siguiente tenia que dar el doble de esfuerzo y que aunque el estuviera brillando siempre algún mal intencionado iba a reprocharle algo. Cuando brillo individualmente, se criticaba la "Messi dependencia" del equipo y cuando se puso el traje de obrero para que el equipo funcione y brille, lo tildaban de "pecho frio", "que desaparecio" y miles de cosas mas. Como veran, los argentinos nunca se conforman. Han cometido el grave error de compararte con Maradona, siendo jugadores distintos en momentos distintos y en planteos tácticos distintos, quizas no hayas traido la copa como Maradona, pero puedo agradecerte de ser un ejemplo como profesional y humano al no estar perdido en un mundo de drogas dando mala imagen o hablando barbaridades ni peleandote con otras personas. Nunca dejes de ser ese niño que solo quiere jugar a la pelota, espero se arrepientan de todo lo que te dicen y siempre voy a estar agradecido de que seas ARGENTINO. Gracias enano! Tus lagrimas y cada una de las de los 23 HEROES Argentinos siempre van a estar en mi.. GRACIAS POR INVITARME A SOÑAR
Te quiero mucho amigo !!

Look at this image, is the sadness in person. A guy who grew up in the silence of our society, which our country turned away at the time of your treatment, a guy who, since age 11, underwent thousands of injections to be able to grow and to succeed with our colors saying NO to Spain, a country where respect it as it deserves and that it had already achieved glory in 2010. And they lay still in doubt? I can assure you that none of those who saw the match on tv or on the Court this suffering or even 1/4 of what he suffers it. He suffers more than anyone else not have brought the Cup, he suffers more than anyone his shot that came gliding left Neuer post, but I can also assure you that he was not as happy as the thousands of Argentines who we yell his decisive goals in the first round to claisificar, why? Because while the playing, it was with the pressure of knowing that the next party had that effort twice and that although the was always shining some ill intentioned was going to accuse him of something. When shining individually, criticized the ' Messi dependency "of equipment and when is put worker costume to team work and shine, branded as it"chest cold","that disappeared"and thousands of things more. As you can see, the Argentines never comply. They have made the serious mistake of compare yourself with Maradona, being different players at different times and in different tactical schemes, may not have brought the Cup as Maradona, but I thank you for being an example of how professional and human not to be lost in a world of drugs giving bad image or talking nonsense or peleandote with other people. Never let be that child who just wants to play ball, I hope repent of all what you say and you'll always be thankful that you are Argentine. Thank you dwarf! Your tears and each of the of the 23 HEROES Argentines will always be in my... THANK YOU FOR INVITING ME TO DREAM
I love you lot friend!

The translation gets a bit wonky, but the sentiment remains the same. You can't help but feel for Messi. He'll be hurting for a while, I suspect.

Down with this sort of thing.
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