Originally Posted by _tunic_
so who was Shonen Knife's support? I'm quite curious after reading your raving review

"The Lessappeal" from Hamburg
I swear to God, next time I see those dudes at a bar I will puke them in the face
Did my drunken rant contain my wish to buy their record, get it signed by all of them and give it to someone I hate as a birthday present?
I still cringe when I think about the singer trying to bond with the crowd
BUT YEAH, I am in a good mood today. No one was home and I walked around the apartment in my underwear and felt like a goddess. Just put on my dress and washed my face so I can leave the house to have drinks with friends and go dancing in a club near the harbor. hopefully I will still be there just before sunrise, so I can take the ferry and hang out at the beach in the morning

After that I will pull a Boo Radley. At least for one week. Cause.. NO CLASSES NEXT WEEK!