Originally Posted by gmku
I'm thinking about more Shonen Knife, like the Burning Farm album.
Also considering JAMC's Darklands and Honey's Dead.
Wonderful Rainbow is right up there near the top of the list, as are some Melvins and Mudhoney, if I can find them.
Darklands is great but Psychcandy is better. ( i'm guessing you already own that.) I'm doing an order consisting of SY's first EP, In the Fishtank, Hold That Tiger, and Hidros 3 (For Patti Smith), Ciccone Youth's Whitey Album, all of Lee Ranaldos albums including East Jesus, Thurston's Psychic Hearts, the Text of Light album, all of William S Burroughs albums, and stooges Raw Power and Jesus loves the stooges EP. I go crazy on CD orders.