Originally Posted by Cunt
If it’s more effective to do something else you’re implying exactly that you idiot. You seem to lack basic reading comprehension, logical reasoning and analytical thinking skills, I’m forced to bring it into the discussion.
No you just seem to lack basic interpersonal and social interaction skills
Why didn't you just
ask me to clarrify instead of of assuming while also insulting?
I never said or implied that investment in research and awareness campaigns should somehow stop just because I said that people don't seem to care about them after all we need to find ways to make people care MORE now don't we? I just suggested the government would be in a better position to ADD banning the foods in tandem. Sorry, if it ruins your whole, "Insult and degrade another human being to make an otherwise mistaken and therefore irrelevant point."
If you’d cared to put two seconds of thought into it or to take an informed opinion, you would’ve realised that to ban foods you need scientific support and that it takes scientific research to find healthier alternatives. You also would’ve learned that scientific agreement is not immutable e.g., trans fats were once considered healthier than saturated fats.
Sighs. The research is there to support the bans, foods already come with AMA warnings about how diets low in sugars can help prevent diabetes. The government just has to step up its game, which is what you previously suggested.
I agreed, and offered a new suggestion of what the government can also do to add to what its currently doing.
So no, I’m afraid this discussion would’ve never gotten more meaningful than the fact that you’re a fucking fool wasting my time.
Glad you feel that way, its always great to feel valued by other humans, carry on being such a great person, we love your positive and supportive approach