Originally Posted by Genteel Death
To be honest I felt like pointing that out because after reading some of your posts about troubled Kurt you left me with the impression that you're always trying to build up consensus to slag off Courtney Love whenever you can. She's often an idiot, sure, but so was Saint Kurt. I still love his music though. And hers, occasionally.
Courtney Love proved much more evil AFTER his death than before. I'm not one of those "kurt was a martyr and courtney was the villain" kind of people, I don't think she had him killed, or anything crazy like that, shit I don't even think she drove him to suicide like some argue, his demons were his own.
But simply put, what she has done with Nirvana since, commercially and legally, and to the blatantly neurotic and almost OCD level vindictiveness to attack writers, bands, media, and even fans is unconscionable. So really, my beef with her has nothing to do with Kurt at all, but rather my experience the past 20 years as a Nirvana fan and really most fans have been held hostage to her bullshit. Just release the shit yo! Fuck, how much more money should there be? What is saddest is that a huge part of it is how she continuously worked the angles to fuck out Dave and Krist of anything. The With the Lights out the the Black Album were almost 90% music that she owned, and purposely released this way to fuck them out of anything. The slow release of DVDs and bootlegs was really part of that same process, as she worked her magic to take the lion share of moneys from those live performances based on her exclusive ownership of the material being performed, even while those on tape performing are getting fucked.
She is essentially a demonic incarnation of all that was wrong with the 1950s music industry goons.
To be sure, I have even more beef with Rita Marley for similar shit. Money is a root of all kinds of evils ;(