Originally Posted by dead_battery
this is now becoming avant garde in its sheer fucking ridiculousness.
i mean, the man has resorted to arguing against himself, with the very arguments we were originally using against him, only directed at us, as if we were the ones saying the things he was saying and is now saying we were saying when in fact he said them and we corrected him and now he's directing those corrections at us as if we said them when it was him that said - my head is fucking spinning
No. I'm not arguing with myself. We're having a separate discussion from page one if you hadn't taken the time to read carefully. Yeah, I did click the link, and I do believe it entirely proved my point to rob that the ancients had science, though why you somehow think I'm arguing something different is beyond me!
Rob said science is modern. I said that is bullshit. How is this so damned hard for you grasp? Can't people change the subject without being accused of anything nefarious? That chip on your shoulder is showing again